Build a schedule that helps you grow your business

You became a Pilates Instructor to teach people Pilates. And then found yourself also wearing the job title of marketing, cleaning, scheduling, bookkeeping, CEO, social media manager, community leader, website developer and if you have teachers organizer of multiple personalities!

Most days it feels like you have fewer minutes in the day and that you end up further behind than when you started. While you still LOVE teaching Pilates and having a studio. You do wonder if it will ever get any easier.

If nothing changes, then nothing changes.

What does this mean? It means, if you keep wearing all of the hats then you'll get to keep wearing all the hats.

But, how do you get out from being bogged down? How can you grow your business without working every single day?

I've got six ideas to consider. And a step-by-step approach to creating a schedule that works for you. Before I get into them, its important you know that I understand exactly where you are coming from. Back in 2015, I found myself running nine studios, teaching 15+ hours a week, leading teacher training programs, planning my first retreat and travelling to teach workshops. I was really good at a lot of things. And, I loved each project I was part of. But, I was headed for burnout and fast.

One day, I found myself having a panic attack on what was supposed to be a day off. I knew something had to change. I couldn't keep going the way I was going. I sat down and evaluated every job title, every task, and every income stream. I made the tough decision to let something go that took more time than they were paying me. Then made it a priority to get a few more clients so I could let go of my managing job. After I freed up time from managing studios I was able to take on my clients to then hire an assistant who could take more off my plate. These changes didn't happen overnight. But, with a plan and a few months they did happen. By 2016 I was making more than I had the year prior, working less and more aligned with my WHY than I was before.

1) Own your strengths! We all have things we are the best at. And, not just good at but that they give us energy. Have you ever noticed how when you are doing some tasks it feels like you just get in the flow? Anything that gives you joy you get to keep!

2) Make a list of all the things that drain you. It doesn't mean we get to ditch them. But having this list of every single task in your personal life and business that takes more time than it should on one list allows us to take the next step.

3) Any task that costs less than you make in an hour hire out. For example, cleaning my home and studio was on my drain list. And, hiring someone who it brought joy to cost me the same as teaching an hour-long session. By delegating the cleaning I gained hours each week. Start with one task at a time.

4) Have clear expectations. Hiring teachers or team members to support your biz or life only helps if you're clear in your communication. People unfortunately are not mind readers. Share what you specifically love that they do. And be very clear on why you would do something different than they did it if you're unhappy with their work.

5) Move the deadlines! Too often we create unnecessary stress by making everything have to be done today, tomorrow or next week. A workshop might sound exciting. But, does it have to happen in the same month as a new website build?

6) Evaluate if you really need to do it. Do you really need to post on social daily? Do you really need to have a YouTube channel, on-demand platform, and teacher training? Just because you can, doesn't mean you should. And, while I am a huge fan of additional income streams. I am also a fan of growth without burnout.

Busy isn't the badge of honor you think it is. And, it is possible to make the money. you want to make, have a life, and make the impact you desire.

You are the only person who can do what you do the way that you do it. If you burn out, your people miss out on the life-changing work you do.

Once you've thought through these six steps. The next step is to create a schedule that has your priorities in it first!

This is how I create a schedule that helps me get my work done without over-working:

Take a blank calendar out. Whether you start the week with Sunday or with Monday. Make sure you can see the entire week.

Block out when you go to bed, when you wake up, work out, or anything that is a personal priority. That could be kiddos, date night, etc.

Next, block out the hours you teach. This is different from the hours you work ON the business.

I call all of these ROCKS. Think like big rocks out in the world. They are tough to move. They take up space. They go in first.

Once your ROCKS are in next its the GEMSTONES. The tasks that propel your business or life forward. Maybe that's the marketing you have been putting off. Or reaching out to a local business to do a collab. This is not admin. This is not email. This is not scrolling on social. This is time block will be protected for those tasks that might be uniquely different week to week but they move the business or your personal life forward.

Lastly, and you don't have to block this off. Its the GLITTER. It is all the things that end up taking priority but really will always be there. You will always have emails to read, bills to pay, and comments to respond to. It's not that they aren't important. But, they take up more time than they need and keep you from working on those projects you really desire to do.

If you want to take this to the next level. There’s a free webinar link below on how I create my schedule to get everything done.

Finally, and maybe most importantly, remember WHY you are doing this in the first place. I bet your WHY wasn't to be "BUSY." I bet it was to change lives. So ask yourself the next time you feel bogged down if that task or project really is aligned with your WHY.

Lesley Logan (Profitable Pilates Founder) - Lesley Logan fell in love with Pilates after her first 100! From side-hustle to full time, she jumped from teacher to manager to running multiple studios. She wrote a book that focused on the business of Pilates, which grew into and is now a business coaching program called Agency. Take class from LL at and listen to her podcast at When not in Las Vegas she travels, leading workshops and retreats around the world.

Free webinar:



Evolution of Pilates Part 1 :  Development and Diversification


The Studios of the future