How to nurture your longevity in the Pilates industry

pilates instructor assisting client - pilates instructor career

How do you remain inspired and nurture longevity working in the Pilates industry? Whether you're a seasoned professional or just starting out on your journey as an instructor, staying engaged and motivated is key, to not only your success, but also the success of your students. As someone who has spent fourteen years in the industry, with a decade dedicated to a single studio, I've developed a deep appreciation for the tools necessary to keep students engaged and to find personal fulfilment in teaching.

How do we keep those dedicated students coming back for more, year after year? While flashy Instagram-worthy flows and interesting exercise variations may capture attention momentarily, what truly keeps students hooked is tangible progression and real results. It's about guiding them on a journey of improvement, continuously pushing boundaries, and unlocking their potential.

To inspire others, you have to stay inspired yourself. Sustaining inspiration isn't solely about serving others; it begins with nurturing our own passion and curiosity. Here are some of my favourite ways to keep that spark alive and keep your classes in demand.

Teaching with purpose:

Every class I teach I ask myself, what is the PURPOSE of this class? What is that one tangible thing that I am communicating that my students can take away from this lesson? The one thing they can see value in that I am educating them on, What is it that they can walk out of the door and tell their friends/family “today I learnt X, today I achieved X, I worked on X, I tried X.”

The purpose becomes the class theme and is something students can work towards. This could be an exercise, a movement pattern or challenge, highlighting a muscle group, or focusing on a prop or part of the equipment. More than just helping me class plan, the purpose highlights the point that we are educating our students within their bodies that day. It is the thing they can take to their life outside of class and implement.

Knowing your why:

Understanding the "why" behind your work and your clients' motivations is fundamental. What drives you to teach Pilates? Perhaps it's the joy of helping others, the satisfaction of seeing clients progress, or the opportunity for personal growth. Equally important is understanding your clients' why, what motivates them to show up to class, what goals they're striving to achieve, and how Pilates fits into their lives. By aligning your purpose with theirs, you can create a more meaningful and impactful teaching experience.

pilates instructor assisting client - pilates instructor career

Investing in your students:

Beyond teaching the basics, going the extra mile for your students can make all the difference. Personalising their experience by using their names, tracking their progress, and celebrating their victories not only fosters a sense of community but also builds trust and rapport. Educating students on modifications empowers them to take ownership of their practice and cultivates autonomy. By investing in their growth and well-being, you not only enhance their experience but also deepen your connection with them as their instructor.

Being a good employee / knowing the studio's goals:

As ambassadors of our studios, it's imperative to understand and align with their vision and goals. Studios invest heavily in creating their brand, and as instructors, we become the face of that brand. It's essential to know what the studio expects, what values they promote, and what has been communicated to the clients. By teaching within these parameters and embodying the studio's ethos, we contribute to its success while also enhancing our own professional reputation. Additionally, recognising that not every studio will be the right fit for us allows us to seek alignment with those that resonate with our values and teaching style, ultimately fostering a more fulfilling and sustainable career.

Maintaining self-practice:

With the demands of teaching, prioritising self-practice can easily fall by the wayside. However, dedicating time to your own practice is essential for personal growth and professional development. It doesn't have to be complicated, whether it's 20 minutes between classes or a longer session on your days off, carving out time for self-practice allows you to refine your skills, deepen your understanding of the method, and recharge your own Pilates practice.

To be a good teacher is to be a good student:

Embracing a mindset of continual learning is essential for growth as a Pilates instructor. Every experience, whether it's teaching a class, attending a workshop, or receiving feedback, offers an opportunity for learning and improvement. Being receptive to feedback, actively seeking out new knowledge, and remaining open-minded allow us to evolve as instructors and better serve our students. I have always actively remained very open to feedback from both my colleagues and employees, which has allowed me to grow as an instructor, especially in the early years.

Having your own good time:

As instructors, our energy and enthusiasm are contagious. When we're genuinely enjoying ourselves and fully present in the moment, it enhances the experience for our students. Finding joy in our work, whether it's through the challenge of teaching, the camaraderie with our students, or the satisfaction of witnessing their progress, not only makes us stand out as instructors but also enriches the overall class experience.

Above all, remember why you got into the industry in the first place. Amidst the daily demands of teaching, it's easy to lose sight of what initially drew us to Pilates. Reconnect with your initial passion, whether it was the joy of helping others, the thrill of interacting with students, or the fun of working with the equipment, it’s important that we remind ourselves of the deeper purpose behind the work. By tapping into that initial excitement and enthusiasm, we reignite our passion for teaching and rediscover the fulfilment that comes from making a positive impact on other peoples lives.

pilates instructor on cadillac

Tahlia has been instructing since 2012, originally gaining certification from STOTTS Pilates. Tahlia brings an outstanding capacity to clarify and communicate the principals and practice of Pilates. She believes a strong understanding of Pilates repertoire integrated with modern science is key to becoming a confident and creative teacher. She has taught a truly staggering amount of classes, and has extensive experience teaching and mentoring teachers. Tahlia is currently the Pilates Program Director at One Hot Yoga & Pilates and oversees their Pilates Teacher Training Programs.


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