Instructor Spotlight: Sascha Orlievsky

  1. Tell us a little about yourself and your Pilates background

My name is Sascha and I’m a qualified Reformer and Mat Pilates instructor from Sydney with over seven years of teaching experience. I started teaching Ballet and conditioning in 2015 and then transitioned into teaching Pilates in 2020. This transition was propelled by the first COVID lockdown. I had just deferred my Neuroscience degree to travel overseas when we were forced into hibernation. With overseas travel no longer an option, I had plenty of time to think! To think about what I value, what lifestyle I want to live, and what I enjoy doing. Fast forward three years later and I now own a Mat Pilates business called House of Sculpt, and teach Reformer Pilates at the well-renowned M.I.A Studios in Paddington, Sydney. It is definitely not the career path I had envisioned, yet I couldn’t be happier. Making a positive impact in people’s lives is invaluable and I love that I’m on my feet all day long keeping active. I think my friends would describe me as high energy, loyal and a good listener.


2. How did you discover Pilates

I discovered Pilates during my ballet training where we would always practice Pilates principles for body conditioning and injury prevention. However, my obsession for Pilates grew when I finished school and was practicing religiously. It just felt SO good to move in such a graceful and challenging way. The endorphins you get after a Pilates class are second to none!


3. How do you keep learning? What inspires you in your work? Who/where do you get inspiration from?
Maintaining my self-practice is incredibly important, and I’m continually learning from different instructors whether that’s in class, on social media or through my close-knit community like my business partner Nicole Clarke Mitchell and M.I.A. Studios owner Robin Tate.

4. The best advice you were ever given as a teacher…
Not everyone is going to love your teaching style, and that’s totally okay!


5. Is there something you try and instil in each of your clients?
That movement is a privilege. Moving your body is a method to enhance every facet of your life. A way to meditate, a way to master an art form, a way to connect to yourself.

6. The best Pilates course you ever did was…

I really enjoyed my Mat Pilates course at Studio Pilates. I felt that the anatomy knowledge I gained from that course is unparalleled and I am forever grateful!


7. What’s your favourite piece of equipment to use with clients in studio and why?
Hands down, the Pilates Ball. It is so versatile as it can be used to further challenge and strengthen, but can also be used to expand and release. There is something so beautiful about that dichotomy!


8. How do you stay motivated?
Motivation is hard to come by… I rely more on discipline to get things done. I thank my ballet training for that!


9. What makes you laugh the most?
I would have to say my partner, Leigh. We laugh over nothing for hours on end – it’s the best.


10. What’s your favourite way to spend a day off?
A dream day off would include some morning movement, a dip in the ocean, soaking up some sun whilst reading a book, followed by meeting up with friends for some snacks, wine and a giggle.

11. How many pairs of grip socks do you own? Do you love or hate a stretch band?
Controversial but I don’t own any! I am all about using your feet to their maximum potential, and that includes seeing how your feet and toes are positioned.


12. Does your family ‘really know’ what’s involved in your job?
I speak to my family all the time about my job and my mum is always in my classes so I think they have a pretty good idea! I am lucky to have my family so involved.


Sascha teaches at M.I.A Studio and co-owns House of Sculpt in Sydney.


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The Pilates Re-formation