Instructor Spotlight: Menara Slapernik

We speak with Pilates Instructor Menara Slapernik about her Pilates career to date.


1.     Tell us a little about yourself and your Pilates background

My name is Menara - friends call me Nara. I live in Perth in Western Australia but I’m originally from Slovenia in Europe. I teach at Rig Pilates which opened in 2014, where I’m also a Studio Manager. I’ve been teaching Pilates since 2019. My friends would describe me as genuine, kind and compassionate.


2.     How did you discover Pilates?

I discovered Pilates through a friend who was studying the method at the time. She was in need of a client for her clinical teaching hours. Needless to say, I was hooked after my first session.

3. How do you keep learning?

Apart from the continuous education I’ve done through various BASI Pilates courses, I’m extremely lucky to be surrounded by amazing, passionate Pilates instructors at work, where we constantly learn from each other - it is also where I get my inspiration from. But what inspires me the most are my clients; the desire to learn is constant because I want to give them the best experience. As Pilates instructors, we have a very privileged job, to have people trusting us with their bodies, and their wellbeing. I don’t take that for granted.

4.     The best advice you were ever given as a teacher…

See and teach to the body in front of you.

5.      Is there something you try and instil in each of your clients?

Apart from the usual ‘relax your shoulders’ (you know what I’m talking about)..I like to help my clients understand patience is required in our method. I see clients trying to skip steps all the time. It’s about those little steps i.e. learning the fundamentals, being patient with your body, understanding that every day is different and that it makes a big difference.

6. The best Pilates course you ever did was…

BASI Pilates - Global Comprehensive Program.

7. What’s your favourite piece of equipment to use with clients in studio and why?

For me it’s like parents having to pick a favourite child. I think, at the moment, I’m really enjoying what the Spine Corrector and Wunda Chair have to offer. They are suitable for every body, and can keep anyone honest and humble when it comes to Pilates practice.

8. How do you stay motivated?

My clients keep me motivated. Seeing them move daily and being so dedicated to their own practice, it inspires me to stay motivated too. I always try to remember how great regular Pilates practice is for my body and my mind.

 9. What makes you laugh the most?

My niece who is five and my nephew who is one. Kids have an incredible sense of humour. I LOVE it.

10. What’s your favourite way to spend a day off?

It’s something I’ve been exploring myself lately, as still learning to have a day off! So each week is different, but mostly - Pilates, coffee, outdoors, followed by some alone time.

11. How many pairs of grip socks do you own? Do you love or hate a stretch band?

One too many I think, it’s hard to keep track. When it comes to a stretch band it’s a love/hate relationship.

12.  Does your family ‘really know’ what’s involved in your job? 

My sister and my brother-in-law know and understand what’s really involved in my job, the rest of the family I wouldn’t be so sure - they know I teach this thing called Pilates and look after my second home Rig Pilates.

Merna teaches at Rig Pilates in Western Australia.


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