Instructor Spotlight: Robin Renee

We speak with Pilates Instructor Robin Renee about her Pilates career to date.


1.     Tell us a little about yourself and your Pilates background

My name is Robin R. Rutledge-Taylor, to my clients, I am Coach Robin Renee. Since 2020, I have been teaching Mat Pilates in my virtual studio; in-person at lululemon and Boxville in Chicago, USA. I've been teaching Pilates since 2016. I started teaching group fitness in 2008. My friends would describe me as adventurous, creative, reliable, no-nonsense.

I initially studied Pilates in 2014 with SCW Fitness with Pilates teacher, Abbie Appel of Equinox in South Beach. Most recently I completed my Mat and Reformer Teacher Certification in 2021 with Club Pilates with Master Trainer Lencola Green from California Pilates.

Currently, I teach my own classes virtually three days a week and in-person pop-up classes on weekends for Lululemon and Boxville in Chicago. 


2.     How did you discover Pilates?

I was at a conference, fulfilling continuing education credits for my fitness certification; Pilates was on the schedule. The description looked interesting, so I decided to try it.

3. How do you keep learning?

I keep learning from doing my own research, as well as taking continuing education courses. I'm inspired in my work by witnessing the joy of accomplishment in my classes, especially when people achieve a goal that they've struggled with. I also get inspiration from other dynamic teachers who are refreshing and equipped with optimism and positivity. They have unique approaches to making the learning process accessible across various learning styles. Some of the dynamic teachers that I’ve got the most inspiration from include Alexa Idama from Low Impact Fit, Danica Kalemdaroglu from Somaphyx by Pilates 804, Kim Carruthers from The Kim Carruthers Method, Micki Price Havard from MickiPhit Method, Mychele Sims from Get 2 Werk, Misty Lynne Cauthen, from Dragonfly Pilates, Nicky Taylor Steward Grayson from One Body Studio, Paula Marie from Black Girls Do Pilates 2, Sonja Herbert from Black Girl Pilates and Tasha Edwards from See Her Healthy to name a few.  

4.     The best advice you were ever given as a teacher…

Be able to cue well enough that people can execute the exercises without me demonstrating them. This advice came from my Club Pilates Master Trainer, Lencola Green.

5.      Is there something you try and instil in each of your clients?

I encourage people to work at their own pace and give themselves the grace to learn.

My favourite type of client is one who is open to learning more about their own body and willing to do the work without being so harsh on themselves. They understand that learning is a process and remaining teachable will help them reach their goals.  


It's important to me that I curate safe wellness spaces for Black women to freely breathe, move and celebrate all shapes and body sizes. Allies are welcome to join us as long as they're respectful of the space without disrupting the positive energy flow. 

6. The best Pilates course you ever did was…

The best Pilates experience I’ve had would be my first class with Nicky Taylor Steward-Grayson in her studio. Her precision and focus on details showed me that she is indeed a masterful teacher. During the pandemic lockdown, I took virtual classes with Nicky. She named them 'Easy Like Sunday Morning', but they were not 'easy'!  

7. What’s your favourite piece of equipment to use with clients in studio and why?

The mat, because it provides opportunities for people to tap into their own abilities, without assistance from other equipment.

8. How do you stay motivated?

I stay motivated by the desire to live a long healthy life.

 9. What makes you laugh the most?

Recently, TikTok has been making me laugh the most.

10. What’s your favourite way to spend a day off?

Spending time near blue space/water, watching the sunrise and going for walks. I also enjoy riding my bike and hanging out in my hammock reading or napping.

11. How many pairs of grip socks do you own? Do you love or hate a stretch band?

I own eight to 10 pairs of grip socks. I love a stretch band.

12.  Does your family ‘really know’ what’s involved in your job? 

My family has a pretty good idea of what's involved in my job.

Robin Renee does pop-up classes for lululemon and works at Boxville in Chicago.


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