Broadening your skills: the key to an inclusive Pilates career

pilates teacher doing the mermaid exercise on the pilates reformer

Photography @unitehealth

Pilates can be a really welcoming, inclusive way of working out. Offering a lower impact, gentle yet effective way of activating and challenging your muscles and supporting your health and fitness, it caters to many different abilities and levels. However, there are still groups which are often excluded from practising Pilates for various reasons. These include anyone who is pregnant or post natal, and those with certain health conditions or physical impairments. Often, Pilates instructors aren’t equipped or trained in how to cater their classes and programming to these groups, meaning their clients may find themselves sitting idly during class and waiting for movements they can join in on, or even being turned away from classes altogether.


However, upskilling in your Pilates skill set and knowledge base can allow you to become a more inclusive, knowledgeable and confident instructor. It means you can cater to the individual needs and requirements of your clients, allowing them to feel more welcomed and comfortable in your classes. It helps you develop a stronger understanding of the human body and sets you apart in the Pilates industry, meaning potential clients are more inclined to seek out your classes and services due to your strong values and commitment to supporting your clients as best as you possibly can.


Here are some of the key ways in which upskilling can help you become a more inclusive Pilates instructor, and improve the quality of your teaching.


You can cater to diverse needs with confidence, skill and knowledge.


Upskilling is all about expanding your capabilities and knowledge, so you can meet the needs of different groups and clients with the confidence and assurance that comes with knowing you can cater to their individual requirements.


Instead of panicking and feeling the need to invent modifications on the spot, or having to turn away potential clients from your classes, you’re able to skillfully offer alternative movements or regressions, so your clients can work towards their health goals just as effectively and safely as the rest of the class. The more knowledge and understanding you develop of the human body and the specific requirements of different groups of people, the more competent you become in welcoming all different types of clients into your class, secure in the knowledge you’re able to support them safely with your broad skill set.


Your clients won’t feel isolated or singled out.


There’s no worse feeling than being the person in the class who is singled out, or made to feel less capable or excluded due to having certain needs or impairments. When the instructor of a class is uncertain or unaware of how to adjust programming and movements to cater to different groups and needs, this leaves the affected clients either sitting on their mat or reformer and waiting for a time when they’re able to actually join in on the class, or being told they’re not able to attend the class in the first place.


This leaves potential clients feeling isolated, alone and dejected, and can affect their love for Pilates too! Whereas, when you’re well-equipped to meet their unique needs, due to having completed further training and upskilling courses yourself, you can welcome them wholeheartedly into your classes, and seamlessly cater to any restrictions with your extensive knowledge of the human body. You can easily incorporate alternative movement options into your programming to ensure all your clients feel equally embraced and cared for.


This makes the class a much more enjoyable, welcoming, and comfortable experience for your clients - both those affected by individual needs, and the rest of the class too! It places everyone on equal footing, and allows each person in your class to get the same safe, effective, powerful workout - and to love every moment of it along the way!


It helps you stand out in the competitive Pilates industry.


With so many instructors being unable or ill equipped to deal with the needs of different clients, whether they’re injured, pregnant, unwell or otherwise, one of the most powerful ways to set yourself apart from your competitors in the Pilates industry is to upskill, and equip yourself with the knowledge to cater to unique needs and experiences.


This conveys to potential and existing clients that you’re committed to your work and continuing to grow, learn and expand your understanding of the human body and Pilates to help them achieve the greatest results and benefit from your classes. Plus, it also communicates a genuine care to be inclusive and welcoming to everyone in your classes.


Whether you’re working towards (or already do) owning your own Pilates business, or you’re applying for a job with an employer, having completed upskilling courses that are highly regarded and recognised within the industry hugely improves your employment prospects and earning potential. It puts you ahead of other applicants or instructors, and highlights your values of supporting your clients in achieving their health goals - no matter their ability, needs or fitness level!


This demonstration of your values and commitment to Pilates and your clients is what elevates you amongst a competitive industry, and effectively allows you to stand out to future clients and employers.


The impact is measurable and real.


Of course, not all upskilling courses and opportunities are created equal. Some, like Unite Health’s range of APPI Ante Post Natal courses give you the qualifications and understanding necessary to work with a group of clients with complex, changing needs, so you can accommodate both pregnant and post natal clients in your classes.


Currently, many Pilates instructors turn this group away from their classes, as they’re unable to offer the necessary adjustments and alternative movements due to a lack of understanding and knowledge in this space.


However, upskilling in this area allows you to be more inclusive in your work, and conveys the care you have for your clients. One of our Unite Health graduates, Elizabeth Gray, shares how completing her Ante Post Natal training allowed her to elevate her career and provide more comprehensive support to her clients - including those who aren’t pregnant or postpartum.


Her deeper understanding of human anatomy, and how to cater to the changing human body during pregnancy and beyond, helped her feel more confident in her ability as an instructor, and allowed her to expand her business and client base.


“I definitely felt way more prepared to work with a greater range of clients after the course. For someone who doesn’t (yet!) have kids, and hasn’t gone through the pregnancy process personally, I feel I have a better understanding and can make appropriate modifications that keep everyone moving safely!” Elizabeth said.


Elizabeth found many of her competitors were unable to offer the same comprehensive care to their clients.


“I have had clients come to me because their other studio didn’t know how to handle them after a certain amount of weeks along their pregnancy journey. Some women don’t even know the guidelines when they’re pregnant and fully entrust instructors to provide the appropriate options and I’m glad I know [what these are]!” Elizabeth said.


Upskilling and completing a high-quality, well-respected and evidence-based course like Unite Health’s APPI Ante and Post Natal option is a powerful and effective way of being more inclusive in your work in the Pilates industry, and communicating your genuine care for your clients. It means you can work with a broader range of clients, and make the Pilates experience enjoyable, safe and effective for all.


Want to learn more about Unite Health’s APPI Ante Post Natal course offerings, or their many other upskilling course options? Check out your options here.


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