Creativity and flow on the Reformer
Build Creativity on the Core Principles, Anatomical Understanding, and Smooth Transitions for Effective and Inspiring Classes on the Reformer.
Align-Pilates M8-Pro Reformer: The Ultimate Pilates Game-Changer
When it comes to investing in a reformer for your pilates studio or home it's crucial to know what to look for to make a strong and smooth reformer investment. We speak with Sean Bergara to find out more.
What makes it Athletic Reformer?
We take a closer look at the Athletic Reformer Principles and what recovery should look like in this dynamic style of class.
Purposeful Pilates includes Progression
How often do you focus on progression as part of your class goals? If it’s not at the top of the list - read on. Learn how to create purposeful pilates.
Improve your Reformer class flow in Pilates Classes
Learn how to create effective sequences on the Reformer that will keep your classes flowing.
Progressive Push-Ups on the Reformer: Build Strength and Control
Expert Pilates Instructor Kylie McGuiggan shows how you can work towards progressive Push Ups on the Reformer.
Group Fitness Reformer Classes are good for the Pilates Industry
An editorial on why Group Fitness Reformer classes are good for the Pilates industry.
Leveraging the Reformer Revolution
Studio owner and Director of Armature, Stephanie Sibel, grew her Pilates business by incorporating a group reformer studio and maintaining an open mind.
The Pilates Re-formation
Understand how the Pilates industry is changing with the rise of the Reformer and what we as Pilates teachers can do about it.
Are all Group Reformer Classes Equal?
Learn why what you program for your Pilates Reformer classes truly matters with Polestar Australia Director Catherine Giannotto.